A database is an integrated collection of data that is shared by all organizational users. It is a large collection of data in a computer system, organized so that it can be expanded, updated and retrieved rapidly for various users. In the database management approach, data records are consolidate into database that can be accessed by many different application programs. Important software packagers called a database management system (DBMS) serves as software interface between users and database. This helps users easily access the records in a database. Thus, database management involves the use of database are created, interrogated, and maintained to provide information needed by end user and their organization.
According to “Mar.in (1981)”,” A data base is a shared collection of interrelated data designed to meet the needs of multiple types of end users”

Database has two properties
  1. It is integrated                        2.         It is shared
By integrated we mean that previously distinct data files have been logically organized to eliminate redundancy and facilitate data access. By shared we mean that all the qualified users in the organization have access to the same data for use in a variety of activities.
A database is not only shared by multiple users but it is perceived differently by different users.
The data stored in a database is independent of the application program using it and of the type of secondary storage devices on which it is stored.
We use electronic database to use, store, retrieved, processed, and communicate data electronically.
Electronic Database management reduces the duplication of data and integrates data so that they can be accessed by multiple programs and users. Programs are not depending on the data and type of secondary storage devices. Users are providing with an inquiry/response and reporting capabilities that allow them to easily obtain information they need. Information thy needed with out having to write computer program. The integrity and security of the data store in database can e increased. Since access to data and modifications of database are controls by database management software, a data dictionary and database administrator function.
A table is a collection of data. Tables organize data in columns (called fields) and rows (called records).
The relation is an association between common fields (column) in two tables.
A one to one association from A to B means that for the specified period of time for a given value a there is associated a one and only one values of B. It can be represented as:
|Roll No| −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−→ |Name|
We represent one to one association with a single −−−→ headed arrow.
Suppose we have tow data items REG-NO of students and STUENT-NAME. A one to one association from data items REG-NO o data item STUDENTS NAME means that for specified period of time, the given value of REG-NO has one and only one value of STUDENT-NAME associated with it.
                        |Student Name| −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−→|Reg-No|
These states that for a given value of A there will be many value of B associated with it.
In the above fig we have tow data item Deptt: and Employee. A one to many association from the data item Deptt: to data item employee means that a Department has many employee. Double headed arrows represent a one to many associations.
It states that at any given times there exist more than on values of B associated with the given value of a, and also for given value of b there are associated many value of A.
In the fig we have two data items student and teacher. Many students have many teachers.
ENTITY: Any thing about which we can store data is called entity. For example student, city, books, college, board etc
a-Attribute: The characteristic of an entity or the column of a table is called attribute. For example a student attribute are roll no, name, age, color etc
b-Character: The smallest piece of information is called character. There are three type characters
1-      Numeric that is from 0 to 9
2-      Alphabetic that is from A-Z capital or small a to z
3-      Special character that + - = , ‘ ; : “ < > ? / . ( { [ ]  ) * etc
c-Field The combination of related character is called field that is name, address, city name, ph-no, age, roll-no, price, item etc, for example Peshawar, Pakistan, 2300, 20 years etc.
d-Record The combination of related field is called record that is payroll record for a person. Student admission record for a student etc
For example student record
R-No    Name  Age      Qualification   Address
1          XYZ      23        B.Com             Swabi
2          ABC     24        D.Com             Peshawar
In above example R-No, Name, Age, Qualification and Address are field.
e-Files: The combination of related record is called file. The combination of below two record stored in a file stud- rec is file.
R-No    Name  Age      Qualification   Address
1          XYZ      23        B.Com             Swabi
2          ABC     24        D.Com             Peshawar
f-Tuples: the row of a table is called tuple
  1. Key: A key is data item used to identify a record.
  2. Primary Key:
It is key or data item that uniquely identifies record. Primary key is an identifier. For example a student number would be the primary key for student records.
  1. Secondary key:
A secondary key is data item that normally does not uniquely identify a record not identifier a number of records in set that share the same property for example data item COURSE might be used as a secondary key for STUDENT record.
Iv. Foreign Key:
 It is primary key field in one table while used as a foreign key in another table. It is used for linking two tables. Example:
Table 1: costumer number, cname, caddress, phone,(here customer no is a primary key).
Table 2: loaned, amount, data of issue, customer no (here loaned is primary key and customer no a foreign key).
v- Composite Key/ Concatenate Key
A primary key that consists of two or more attribute is known as composite key. For example the following relation uses two fields. Registration No and subject to identify each tuple. This is an example of composite key.
                  Composite Key
Registration No

Referential integrity is a constraint on foreign key. It states that if a foreign exists in a relation, the foreign key value must match the primary key value of some tuples in its parent relation. Referential integrity is uses to ensure that relationships between records in related tables are valid and that you don’t accidentally delete or change related data.
Wildcard characters as placeholders for other characters when you are specifying a value you wan to find and know only part of the value.
To find values that starts with a specific letter or matches a certain pattern.
In a Microsoft Access database, you can use the following characters in the Find and Replace dialog boxes, or in queries, commands, and expressions, to find such things as field values, records, or file names.
Matches any number of characters. It can be used as the first or last character in the character string.
Wh* finds what, white, and why.
Matches any single alphabetic character.
B?II finds ball, bell, and bill
Matches any single character within the brackets.
B[ae]II find ball and bell but not bill
Matches any character not in the brackets.
b[!ae]II finds bill and bull but not bell
Matches any one of a range of characters. You must specify the range in ascending order (A to Z. not Z to A).
b[a-c]d finds bad.
bbd. And bed
Matches any single numeric character.
1#3 finds 103, 113, 123

Adnan Khalil

I am Adnan Khalil From Peshawar Pakistan. I am a blogger, PHP Developer, Seo worker.


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