Data is a plural form of the Latin word Datum. The collection of face and figure is called Data OR any thing in raw form is called data. Data cannot be used for decision making or action taking. e.g. Name, Address, Number, Phone Number, Roll No etc.
Example: When student fill College admission form the form consists of raw facts about students. These raw facts are student name, father name, marks obtain etc.
Types of data
There are different types of data
- Alphabetic data type:-It consist letter from A-Z
Capital or from a-z small letter. e.g. Abid, Peshawar, Pakistan, Khan
- Numeric data type:- It consists of digit from 0-9 e.g. 123, 567 etc
- Alphanumeric data type: - It consist alphabetic letter as well as numeric digit. Street no A/10 etc
- Graphic data: It consists tables, charts, graphics and statements
- Audio data: It consists only sounds. For example radio news.
- Video data: It consists photo, image and moving picture. Such as TV news.
- Mixed data: It consists more than one type of data. Such as the combination of audio and video.